Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Year of Detox

My favourite month of the year is running away so fast! It's already the 25th of July and I still haven't updated my birthday special post. Hmpfh. I've been busy.
I'm perpetually busy and perpetually exhausted. Interning, you see, is not an easy business. If you do your job badly, you get yelled at. If you do your job well, you will still get yelled at. Why? Because you're an intern. The lowest rung of medical hierarchy, the bottom of the food chain.
It's an hierarchy of screwed people screwing other people. The HOD screws the Associate Professor who screws the Senior Resident who screws the Junior Resident who in turn screws the Intern. It's the Game of Screws!
But amidst all the screws and pricks lies the one driving force for any intern: Satisfaction.
The satisfaction of action
The satisfaction of a correct diagnosis
The satisfaction of initiating the right treatment, unsupervised
The satisfaction of a successful wide-bore cannulation
The thrill of your first IV injection!
Delivering a baby!
Receiving a baby!
Administering CPR!
Interning is a marvellous series of "firsts," and nothing like the "firsts" American television tells you about. Being an intern is a glorious feeling. I LOVE IT.

Hey, but that's not all I'm busy with! Interns, by definition, are multi-taskers.
We work, we study, we party, the brave ones venture into marriage and the rest of us get busy dressing up and hogging on wedding food, we pick fights and dress wounds, we make time to actively hate and actively love Residents, we organise birthday parties, brainstorm over gifting options, we work over a patient's surgery while worrying over another one's prognosis, we plan our futures, we sacrifice precious weekends for attainment of said future...we WORK 36 HOUR SHIFTS! We work 36 hour shifts and report for duty, right on time, the very next day.
Interns are most under-appreciated superheroes of any hospital.

But enough of this medical jargon, Grey's Anatomy has got that covered.
This month began with me turning very old :/
And this year I did not find a lot of time to ponder and retrospeculate. If you're wondering why, you've probably skipped reading the first 2 paragraphs. I suggest you go back and start over.

In spite of the lack of retrospective analysis, I do know one thing for sure. This has been my Year of Detox. Let's just put it this way:

When life gives you snakes...

Collect the venom...

Create an anti-venom...

Obtain a patent...


Say "buahahahaha you evil snake," in your head.


This advice is the product of living with snakes for a fair bit of time. It will come in handy. Thank me later!

And if you find this advice Riddikulus...that's the whole point! *youuu seee whaat I diiiiid theeere!*
Wisdom and philosophy can only get you so far. It is laughter and gaiety that will take you through the rest. Isn't that how we ward away Dementors and Boggarts alike?
Laugh it all away and better things will come.

So that's it for my 22nd year wrap up! I wish you and I wish myself all the many giggles life has to offer. Always remember to do no harm but to take no shit either.
And above all, be unapologetically silly!

Until next time, byeeeee!

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