Saturday, December 5, 2015

This Was Long Due

Hola amigos! Once again, I realize how ridiculously long it has been since I last visited this beloved space of mine. But I come bearing gold. Quite literally!

November blew past my face in a frenzy of activity. My favourite activities for that matter ;)
As my college celebrated it's annual fest, I celebrated the things I love doing most. To be honest, it was long due. And when on the 10th of November I walked up the dias, faced a room full of people and spoke into a mic, I realized it had been a long time since I had felt alive.
The thrill of public speaking is amazing, but when the crowd breaks into applause right in the middle of your's an other-worldly feeling.

The topic of this year's debate was "Is abortion murder?" With me speaking in the affirmative.
(Yes, even our literary events are medical :P)
And before I manage to lose the piece of paper that bears my speech, I'm going to type it out here.


I was a miracle. I beautiful miracle. I lay peacefully, reclining on exquisite, velvety cushions, so wonderfully warm and protective. Food came floating to me and all I had to do was absorb. Cosy and comfortable, I began to grow. Cell by cell, inch by inch, I grew.
Until the day I was pinched, grabbed, cut and crushed. I was sucked out of a home originally built to protect me, I struggled. I fought. My blood pressure began to rise and my pulse began to race.

Until the noxious chemicals trickled in...and then it was all over.

I am a Medical Professional, being trained to protect and preserve life. And today I talk on behalf of those who stand at the very beginning of life, especially those little pre-born humans, who today reside in the wombs of their mothers and will be soon delivered...or MURDERED.

Abortion IS murder which snuffs out an innocent life. And even if we were to distance ourselves and call it a "zygote" a "parasite" or even a "chunk of tissue," give it 266 days and see what emerges from the mother's wombs. It will be a human being. Only machines like clocks and cars come into existence part by part. Living beings come to exist from the very moment of conception, fulfilling all 4 criteria of "Biological Life."
A zygote possesses inherent metabolism. It grows. It responds to stimuli and it divides.
And unless this little human begins to endanger the life of it's protector, it's termination IS tantamount to murder.

But what of little humans arising out of disgraceful events- let's say rape?
Remember that this little human is not responsible for his own creation. NO human being is! The guilt lies with the man and it cannot be imputed to the child.
Rape per se is not an indication for abortion. The woman needs support- mental, physical and financial. NOT an abortion. You do not nullify a tragedy by committing another. two wrongs don't make a right.

Contraception can fail and the best of planning can fall apart. Responsible people have to make tough choices sometimes. Ending a life is not a choice, it's an escape route!
Financial constraints and social evils ARE intimidating, but all life is precious- ask a childless couple.

Furthermore, abortion arising out of any reason is traumatic. It violates the woman's body that has been physiologically prepared to nurture a growing life. And that is why, an abortion brings with it feelings of self-destruction, guilt and isolation, Much like the feelings of a murderer in the aftermath of his crime.

Nothing can erase what an abortion does. It takes- it kills- an innocent life and that is irreparably wrong. An unborn child is not a potential person, he/she is a person with much potential.

I wonder if you have ever noticed the ease with which people talk about appendicectomies, knee replacements and even cosmetic surgery. But NO ONE ever freely talks about an abortion. Because no one can talk freely about murder.


 This was followed by an equally powerful speech by my partner, Sana Nayeemunisa. Our team, Spartans-2012 was unanimously declared the winning team. :D

Despite the praise and adulation that followed, the two and half minutes I spent on the podium were minutes of true, unadulterated joy for me. Something that even the medal and the trophy cannot overshadow.


Buuuuut isn't it cool when you are simply doing something that you love to and someone hands you a prize for it? ;)


  1. Wow. That speech definitely deserved a prize! Congrats mahn, you make me proud! :')

    1. The judge asked me if I was an NRI wth :P

    2. Ahaha, should have said yes :P
